On January 1 we implemented a new homeschool/unschool regime. You can read all about it here but it was pretty much the opposite of a regime. Now, 3 weeks later, we thought you’d like an update… First, let me...
Zoe Squared
Our new homeschool plan gives us a lot more time to find new and different experiences for learning. Social media is great for learning about new classes or workshops, and there are quite a few towns nearby, which expands...
Sherman Family: v2.16
The winds of change have arrived at the Sherman Family. We won’t call them resolutions because that’s just so cliche. So we’ll consider it a software update to version 2.16 that coincidentally happened on January 1. Some of these we...
Last Day of Public School
We are beginning the long, sad process of goodbyes here in Panama. Today was the last day of school for Zoe and Haley. I arranged to bring in cupcakes for Zoe’s classmates so yesterday we made them from scratch...
Zoe’s 5th and Final Parade
And the award for Best Supporting Mother During A Hot Panamanian Parade goes to…. Allison Sherman! Allison’s thank-you speech is as follows: I’d like to thank the academy for this amazing recognition of my performance today during Zoe’s 5th...
Zoe’s Parade #4
Today was Parade #4. I won’t go into a lot of detail because it was just like the last one: -lots of bands -hot -humid -Zoe and Ashley looked cute This time it was in Pocri, a little town...
Zoe’s Parade #3
I am sure you are all anxiously awaiting the next chapter of “As The Baton Twirls”. I shall not disappoint. Today was the 3rd parade in 3 days. We knew it was going to be different because it was...
Zoe’s Parade #2
It’s Groundhog Day in Panama! Well, actually it’s Flag Day but it feels like the movie Groundhog Day because we did the exact same parade today as we did yesterday. I thought maybe there would be more people in...
Zoe’s Parade #1
Sometimes 12 hours feels like it lasts a week. Especially when you add in a power outage, a disco, a very long parade and, of course, heat and humidity. Yesterday was Dia de Difuntos. It’s like Memorial Day in...