I love writing blog posts. I love working on the writing, finding the right pictures, trying to write about things that are interesting, but still personal. At any given moment I probably have at least one post I’m working on in my head. I hope you all enjoy reading them as much as we enjoy writing them. But writing a blog can feel a bit one-sided as opposed to Facebook posts. You all get to hear fairly detailed personal items about our lives and our family, but we don’t hear all that much from you. And some of you we don’t even know. That’s ok, we don’t have to know you for you to follow our blog, but we are here to say that we like to hear from you. All of you!
Yesterday we got an email from someone we have never met. He follows our blog and he had some nice things to say, and then he told us some things about himself and what we had in common. It was like we made a new friend! We loved it!
We’ve noticed that since we switched from Facebook to the traditional blog format the number of comments has declined dramatically. That’s ok, change is hard for everyone. ha! Maybe you’re not used to the new system of a few more clicks to write a comment. Or maybe you think we are too formal now and we don’t want to hear what you have to say. But we are telling you now that you’re wrong! We love to hear from you. It feeds us. Sometimes this journey feels crazy. You can only go against the grain so long before you start to wonder if YOU are the one swimming in the wrong direction. So when we hear from people who say they enjoy hearing about what we are doing, or they want to do something similar, or our kids are lucky to have this experience, or that you, too, cried after trying to talk to the laundry lady… well, let’s just say it’s incredibly helpful. Especially to those anxious-worrier types who shall not be named (me). And teacher types… your opinions are especially helpful as we navigate this thing called education flying completely by the seat of our pants!
If you don’t want to make a public comment you can always send us an email. Just click here and send us a comment. It goes directly to Dan and I both, and we read every one of them.
You may have noticed that we have to approve a comment before it gets posted at the end of the blog. We do that to keep out spammers. If we didn’t, we’d have “followers” who are anxious to tell us about a new weight loss drug, or a cheap source for Viagra, or definitely some Ray Bans. So we put one additional layer in between your comments and the world wide web but we do it FOR you not BECAUSE OF you. We approve every comment from a true follower.
So speak your mind, tell us what you think or drop us a line if you want to say HOLA. We appreciate your interest in our adventure.

Love you blog but miss having the real deal around! Take care all and keep bloggin’!
Tell Esther I’m doing hot yoga. ha!
I can say from first hand experience, it has been a journey and a privilege to be able to join you on your quest! I have had some wild experiences (especially in Panama) with the power outages and the no wifi But absolutely loved the company of my new family! I have seen place I never would have seen if not for you guys! Love every minute! I look forward to many more! Thank you!❤️
I love you more than Spaghetti Pie. It’s a close call, though! :)))
I love hearing about your adventures! I think you’re all very brave!! I live vicariously through you.
Sometimes we feel crazy, not so brave. But thank you!
Hi Dan & Allison. I continue to vicariously enjoy your adventures.
I still love reading your posts!
Thank you! I like following what you and Lori are up to as well.
I love reading your blog! We sure miss you all at Chaparral. Please tell Zoe that I said hello and all her friends at Chaparral miss her smiling face!
Karla Heleotes
She mentions you a lot. I know she doesn’t think I’m nearly as fun as you were… Both times!
I love reading about your adventures. You all write extremely well and should consider writing a book. Look at how far The Pioneer Woman has come….writing cook books, childrens books, her own cooking show, doing Walmart advertisements, etc. Things are running so smoothly at the ranch that I haven’t updated my blog for a year! Maybe I’ll do a 2015 recap and call it good. After all, how many pictures of humming birds do people want to see? speaking of which, I’d love to see some wild life pictures sometime, of the animal/bird variety, not human variety. Looking forward to the next post!
Thanks, Linda. Smooth is good! Nothing to write about is a good thing. But a recap is a great idea and we’d love to read it. Thanks for the idea about the wildlife. We saw some beautiful birds in our backyard yesterday. They were a little too far away and too fast to get a picture but we will keep trying. My kids love animals so we’ll be venturing out soon to see what Mexico has to offer in that area. Thanks for commenting.