Today was Parade #4. I won’t go into a lot of detail because it was just like the last one:
-lots of bands
-Zoe and Ashley looked cute
This time it was in Pocri, a little town about 20 minutes away. We have friends who live right on the parade route and they opened their home to us AND served us brunch. I think these people are my new best friends.
Because I knew it would be more comfortable, I made Daniel and Haley go along. Parades are not Daniel’s cup of tea and leaving the house when it’s hot is not Haley’s. But alas they went. Haley ended up enjoying the animals, which included the Smiths’ new puppy, three dogs that belong to the house, and two large bunnies.
As the parade was wrapping up and we had all been sweating profusely, we learned that there was a power outage in Pedasi that was scheduled to last 4-6 hours. Power outages also mean water outages. So instead of going home we went to Chitre. If you can’t be in an air conditioned house, the next best thing is to be in an air conditioned car. We did a few errands, got ice cream and by the time we arrived home the power was on.
Parade #5 of 5 is on Saturday. It’s in Tonosi, which is further away than any of the others and we don’t know anyone in that town. We hear it’s pretty long as well. So Candace and I will grin and bear it. We are now accepting applications for new best friends. Applicants must live in Tonosi.