It was an active day. Here are a few highlights…
The girls went to the fiesta at school. Two and a half hours later they returned with 8 Panamanian friends. Haley had 7 of them in tow (which is shocking if you know Haley). I hung out with them a bit in Haley’s room to translate. We told them to come back anytime. I have a feeling they will!
After all the amigas left we headed to Las Tablas for some Christmas decorations and errands. First stop: an orthodontist for Haley to start the process for braces. We stopped in and she was in the chair in 10 minutes. $10 for the initial consultation. He noticed a tooth that needed to come out (Haley hangs on to loose teeth in her mouth like some nostalgic item from an old friend). He had it out in no time for $5 more. Then he gave us the info on a radiologist in Chitre where they will do the x-rays he’ll need in order to evaluate her plan.
Then we stop in to see our friends at the cable internet place. This is our third time going in to find out if we can get high speed internet in our house. Finally they have some answers and it’s YES! And cheap too. Dan is happy. I’m about ready to invite the lady to Christmas dinner I know her so well.
Another stop at a cell phone place where we have also spent a lot of time to figure out why Zoe’s phone isn’t sending text messages. Quick in and out and it’s fixed. Are we still in Panama??!! This is crazy all this productivity. More people on the guest list for Christmas dinner!
We are on a roll so we head to get Haley’s teeth x-rays done right away. $35 and 20 minutes in and out with x ray films in hand. Done done!
Next stop is the mall for Christmas decorations and a tree but we got sidetracked on the home accessories floor of the department store. Dan got a comfy chair for the living room (he has very specific needs due to a bad back) and I got a lot of kitchen and home items. Fun stuff but we didn’t get decorations. The girls really wanted fuzzy blankets. Do they know how hot it is?? I guess not, due to the a/c!
While D was loading the housewares into the car the girls and I went to the pharmacy for band aids and antiseptic wipes (Zoe’s taken a few falls lately). We hunted and hunted and found nothing that fit the bill. Expensive bandaids that we didn’t like and not a wipe to be found. I should have taken the hint at the entire aisle dedicated to cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide. Duh! But no aloe vera for sunburns. What kind of pharmacy is this?? Oh, it’s the one that has aisles and aisles of Christmas decorations. So it was there we bought our first decorations – a santa with an orange shirt. So fitting!